Embracing your creative journey and letting go of what others think - Photofocus


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true artistic expression in our creative journey thrives on embracing the imperfect, on silencing the inner critic, and on letting go of the need for external validation. ⤴️


The peril of the perfect ⤴️


The peril of the perfect ⤴️


The pursuit of a flawless masterpiece can be a paralyzing force. ⤴️


Yet, it’s the imperfections, the unexpected twists and turns, that often breathe life and authenticity into our creations. ⤴️


There’s a childlike joy in unburdened creativity, a freedom to explore without fear of judgment. ⤴️


Reframing the “they” ⤴️


The fear of negative opinions can be a major roadblock. ⤴️


Often, they’re figments of our own insecurity. Focus instead on the joy of creating, the process of exploration, and the potential to connect with others who resonate with your unique voice. ⤴️


How to step away from perfection and embrace the messy magic of creativity ⤴️


Start small. ⤴️


Begin with small, manageable projects that allow you to experiment and have fun without the pressure of perfection. ⤴️


Silence the critic. ⤴️


Notice the negative thoughts that arise when you create. Acknowledge them, then gently push them aside. ⤴️


the journey is more important than the destination. ⤴️


Embrace the unexpected. ⤴️


Sometimes, unexpected mistakes lead to the most beautiful discoveries. ⤴️


Celebrate the process. ⤴️


Focus on the act of creating itself. ⤴️


the satisfaction of capturing a fleeting moment in a photograph. ⤴️


Find your tribe. ⤴️


Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who value your creative journey, imperfections and all. ⤴️


Practice makes progress. ⤴️


The more you create, the more comfortable you’ll become with the process. ⤴️


You might be surprised by the positive feedback you receive. ⤴️

Kritik pedas pun selama itu membangun juga termasuk positive feedback kok

Things to remember ⤴️


  • The most important thing is to create. Let go of expectations and embrace the journey.
  • Focus on the joy of the creation, the reason you started this journey.
  • Your unique voice matters. Don’t be afraid to share it with the world.
  • Imperfection is beautiful. It’s what makes your work authentic and resonates with others on a deeper level.
  • And IF they don’t like what you create, but you DO. So what? Your opinion really is the only one that matters in the end. ⤴️
