Find Hidden Photography Gems With the Red Car Theory | Fstoppers


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Roberts explains how having clear goals, like looking for chairs and benches for a specific project, makes you more productive. You become more attuned to potential subjects that you might otherwise overlook. This approach helps you see opportunities that you might typically miss, enhancing your vision and making you more aware of the photographic possibilities around you. ⤴️


The act of actively looking for something to photograph will naturally make you see more. ⤴️


It’s not an overnight change but a gradual process that improves with practice. The more you do it, the better you become at spotting scenes and subjects. ⤴️


Once you spot one interesting subject, you’ll start seeing others. The more you look, the more opportunities will come your way. This method trains your eye to notice details and scenes that were always there but previously went unnoticed. ⤴️


Visualizing the world in a particular way also aids in spotting potential subjects. ⤴️


Seeing the world in simplified forms and being aware of your surroundings can reveal overlooked beauty in everyday scenes. This method helps you tune your vision to spot potential subjects more effectively. ⤴️


Another tip from Roberts is to focus on specific projects. ⤴️


Ordinary fields, which may seem bland at first glance, reveal their beauty when observed with a focused eye. This approach can be applied to any subject that appeals to you. ⤴️


If your vision isn’t tuned to spot these subjects, they remain hidden in plain sight. ⤴️


By looking out for particular elements like benches or views through trees, you can find amazing scenes in these less obvious locations. ⤴️


Next time you go out to take photos and aren’t sure what to shoot, remember the red car theory. There are countless opportunities out there, just waiting to be noticed. ⤴️
