The Hidden Grind of Capturing Perfect Photos | Fstoppers


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Vila shares his routine of venturing out in the early morning fog, highlighting the importance of consistency. ⤴️


Vila emphasizes that even the most photographed locations can offer something new if you look hard enough. ⤴️


Vila points out that great photography isn’t about finding shortcuts or quick fixes. Instead, it’s about putting in the hours, sometimes thousands, to hone your craft. ⤴️


in photography, you may not see immediate results from a single outing. It’s about the cumulative effect of many sessions, each contributing a small part to your overall body of work. ⤴️


Vila has been in San Francisco for three months, and while he can’t pinpoint a single day with a multitude of great shots, the accumulation of individual successes is evident in his growing portfolio. ⤴️


He acknowledges that not every trip yields standout images. Most days, he returns home without new photos that surpass his previous work. This reality can be discouraging, but it’s also part of the process. ⤴️


The goal isn’t to capture a masterpiece every time you go out but to appreciate the incremental progress and enjoy the act of photographing. ⤴️
