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  • Zettelkasten is, it is a way to store knowledge; a repository of interconnected notes, with each note representing one piece of information. ⤴️
  • “Catatan:
  • Following a clear set of organizational and structural rules will help you run your Zettelkasten with less friction, allowing you to focus not on keeping the tools working, but on working with the tools. ⤴️
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  • Zettelkasten is, by nature, personal. ⤴️
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  • The Zettelkasten is, essentially, composed of two things: the Zettels and the links in between them. ⤴️
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  • The Unit ⤴️
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  • starts at the very bottom of the chain, at the unit level. ⤴️
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  • The Zettel can be split up into three main components: content, structure, and metadata. ⤴️
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Content ⤴️ ^9259e13e

Buatlah Zettels seringkas dan sesingkat mungkin, tetapi tidak sampai pada level yang akan menghambat pemahamanya.

  • A good rule of thumb is that both the idea represented by, and the text within the Zettel should be as concise and simple as possible. ⤴️
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  • Zettels should only represent a single idea. ⤴️
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  • If, when you start writing a Zettel, you realize it could be split into a number of smaller ones, do so. ⤴️
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  • the strength of this system lies in the (often serendipitous) links it helps to produce between ideas. ⤴️
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  • The clearer and more distinct the ideas are, the higher the occurrence and quality of the links between them. ⤴️
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helps in clearness of thought and speed of browsing.

  • Zettelkasten is a long term endeavour, write for the long term. ⤴️
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  • One thing that helped me write better Zettels was by borrowing one idea from Wikipedia. ⤴️
  • “Catatan:
  • start with one sentence which repeats the title of the article and explains, in that one sentence only, what the item described by the article is? It is only after that point that background information, context, and examples are provided to increase understanding. ⤴️
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Structure ⤴️ ^83af2ea5

  • Siapkan empat elemen di Zettels mu: metadata (preamble), konten, tautan, dan referensi.

  • While content is king, good structure makes sure the content is well-supported. ⤴️

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  • reference.


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  • The preamble contains any sort of metadata you’d like to assign your Zettel (more on metadata in the next section.) ⤴️
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  • insert links to related Zettels. ⤴️
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  • In the references section, I insert full bibliographical information of where I have learned the idea represented in the Zettel, or generally, of books which talk about the idea. ⤴️
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  • insert external links. ⤴️
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  • Metadata ⤴️
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Interlinking ⤴️ ^74230188

  • access related content when visiting a single Zettel, producing an invaluable web of information. ⤴️ ^c234af31
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  • This is how it works in practice: ⤴️ ^97df1643
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  • Tags ⤴️ ^b7245c28
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  • this is all without giving up the benefits of interlinking, as tags are on a completely separate layer. ⤴️ ^8b01d7a5
    • “Catatan: Tag merupakan kluster yang mengelompokkan data, bisa berdasarkan topik atau sifatnya